It’s helpful to at least know your options.
In a world of ever-changing technology and science, one particularly noticeable category has been the “cloud” and “syncing” data. Maybe it’s not “ever-changing” in this case as much as “still getting going”.
SugarSync is on Version 2 (November 2012). The field is continuously changing.
As they like to say, “Sync just got sweeter”:
- Access – desktop, web, mobile.
- Sync – SugarSync does not just store your data but keeps everything in sync.
- Share – file or folder sharing/collaboration.
- Backup – can backup any file on your computer.
It’s a great and competitive game out there. Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud (if you have a Mac), and others if you have the time.
If you’re looking for a clear backup solution, you might check out this post.