

Jolidrive is a simple and elegant way to access your online data.

There is one basic question the guys have attempted to answer: “If the cloud is the online hard drive containing all my data, why don’t I have a simple access to it?”

Get to know Jolidrive. I think it’s worth taking a look!

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It’s helpful to at least know your options.

In a world of ever-changing technology and science, one particularly noticeable category has been the “cloud” and “syncing” data. Maybe it’s not “ever-changing” in this case as much as “still getting going”.

SugarSync is on Version 2 (November 2012). The field is continuously changing.

As they like to say, “Sync just got sweeter”:

  • Access – desktop, web, mobile.
  • Sync – SugarSync does not just store your data but keeps everything in sync.
  • Share – file or folder sharing/collaboration.
  • Backup – can backup any file on your computer.

It’s a great and competitive game out there. DropboxGoogle Drive, iCloud (if you have a Mac), and others if you have the time.

If you’re looking for a clear backup solution, you might check out this post.

Microsoft SkyDrive


Microsoft has been busy.

I recommend you check out SkyDrive:

  • 7 GB free
  • Mac or PC – iPhone or Android – web login
  • Syncs across devices – folder on each
  • Pricing structure for upgrades in storage capacity (up to 100GB)

Like Dropbox, the folder exists on your Mac/PC. You can even place it where you like. Everything syncs. You can access it online.


For so long we’ve been hearing about Mac OSX, Apple, iPhones, Dropbox, SugarSync, Google Drive, “Switch to a Mac”…it’s actually almost kind of nice to see some excitement with Windows 8 and the Windows Phone design and style.

And SkyDrive.

Microsoft has been busy.


Google Drive Illustration

Google Drive

We know Google offers much more than just a search engine.

Google Drive is one step closer to “anytime, anywhere” for our files that Google Docs and Dropbox (to name just two) has helped usher in.

This should be fun (and helpful)!

Google Drive. Keep everything. Share anything.

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Dropbox logo


I’ve grown to love this word.

“…a free service that lets you bring all your photos, docs, and videos anywhere…any file you save to your Dropbox will automatically save to all your computers, phones and even the Dropbox website. Dropbox also makes it super easy to share with others…” – Dropbox

I think you will, too.