I can’t say enough about the guys at Wistia.
If you’re learning video, hosting video, like watching good videos, or want to see something done well, jump on the bandwagon. Read more
Dear w3schools.com,
Thank you for teaching me and letting me learn “How it all works.” Thank you for available and organized information, and results in Google’s search. Thank you for step-by-step tutorials during my introduction and exposure to HTML and CSS. I’m where I am because of your help.
“Success brings interest.” I felt a lot of success learning what I needed to know with you guys.
I happen to use Espresso as my HTML/CSS/PHP/etc. editor. Syntax coloring and autocomplete are invaluable features both for work and for learning. Visual CSS Editing and “X-Ray” on live previews contributed to Espresso 2’s 10/10 review on AppStorm.net.
HTML, etc. can be edited in many ways. In truth, I can only help get you started in your research as price, features, and interface all play into choosing a web editing tool. So if Espresso isn’t your cup of web-editing-tea, here’s a few other flavors I will point out on the menu (in no particular order):
Lynda.com introduced me to a whole new world of learning software via video tutorials, available 24-hrs online.
Once I saw it, I felt like I could learn anything because they had a video tutorial for just about every application I was hoping to learn.
And the way in which I could learn made such a difference; all my senses (learning styles) engaged. I essentially had the ideal situation for learning a new “instrument”, through professionally prepared lessons, at my own pace, at any time.
Tutorials you might consider, should you be in a situation similar as I regarding websites, Content Management Systems (CMS), etc. might include topics like WordPress, HTML5, CSS3, and Web Design Fundamentals.