Google Drive Illustration

Google Drive

We know Google offers much more than just a search engine.

Google Drive is one step closer to “anytime, anywhere” for our files that Google Docs and Dropbox (to name just two) has helped usher in.

This should be fun (and helpful)!

Google Drive. Keep everything. Share anything.

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Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Google Analytics. It’s a great place to start (and easily stay).

Analytics is worth learning about.

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Google Apps

Google Apps

If you’re building a website or even just working with your own domain, I recommend that you consider Google Apps.

The main thing I want you to know is that using Google’s services (or “apps”) with your own domain is free for individuals and small teams of less than 10.


As of 12/2012 Google changed their business model to a “for-fee”. Unfortunately, most of the excitement in this post is no longer pertinent.
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It’s hard to limit what can be said about Orman Clark and the team behind Themezilla. Why? Because he is also the guy behind (free stuff for aspiring designers) and overall good design.

I’ve personally used or worked with a number of Orman’s themes (now “Themezilla’s Themes”) and can vouch for their ease of use and customer support.

It’s a good place to start if you want to start somewhere other than ThemeForest.

They also have some plugins worth checking out.